A Rennaissance Man

Website Accessibility Law

Department of Justice Civil Rights Division ADA.gov logo

Blind man attempting to use a cellphone to load content from a website. The current state of law regarding ARIA accessibility required for websites is articulated by guidelines and standards established by organizations such as theWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Design Accessibility Standards and the W3C Web Accessibility Inititiative which serve as the standard for […]

Battle of the Hindus

Animate gif Dr. Evil

Satya Nadella from Hyderabad, India Sundar Pichai from Madurai, India The battle for supremacy between these two titans has never been as dynamic and world-changing as that which has rushed upon the world stage when OpenAI released ChatGPT the AI chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. ChatGPT is built on top of […]

Make-Believe vs Reality

Image of United States Census Bureau

The U.S. Census Bureau has devised and imposed a make-believe reality by which American citizens are compelled to comply with. We’ve been trained like circus animals to refer to one another by our U.S. government’s make-believe geocentric national identities rather than what we really are as science defines us as biological sentient human beings. Their […]

CRISPR Genetic Editing

Picture of a woman in laboratory

In popular usage, “CRISPR” (pronounced “crisper”) is the acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR); an enzyme that acts like a pair of molecular scissors, capable of cutting strands of DNA. The rapid development of the science of biology puts all of us on the precipice of a cliff from which the global […]

Chords & Lyrics: Taken

Male and female companions sitting together looking out to a hopeful future

  2020-05-02 Registered Copyright. All Rights Reserved.  Download Chords and LyricsDownload zip file containing mp3 demoDownload mp3 Audacity demoClinton Gallagher.Key: D Major Time: 4/4 [INTRO] [HER] D                                                                      AGirl that fella you’ve been flirting with is taken              A                                                                            DHe can be an ass sometimes but he’s […]

HDTV Digital Signage for Bars & Restaurants

Picture of men in a tavern with small black and white TV circa 1950s

HDTV Digital Signage for Bars and Restaurants. HDTV Digital Signage (website slide shows) is a brilliant tactic used to increase revenue by marketing food, drinks and content of interest to customers while they are on the premises. 3rd party advertising and promotions generates cash flow. Weather reports provide good “small talk” content for customers making […]

Page Builder or Code By Hand?

Picture of hand drawn web page layout

Page builders offer rapid development but those who code by hand retain creative and technical control of website development when page builders poop out. What comes first when designing a new website? The chicken or the egg? Sometimes we find we do not have a concept in mind until we’ve done some sketching and begin […]

RFID Blocking Technology Scam

Picture of RFID blocking card, the latest technology "protection" scam.

Are the chipped credit cards we’ve been compelled to use secure? Yes. Is the article “FAKE NEWS” linked below a crock of shit? Yes. The article falsely states the chips in our credit cards –EMIT– data. The article is a con job attempting to mislead people into buying RFID “blockers.” The article’s “warning” is a […]

Music Format Wars

Picture of NFC card labeled "Got No More Blues" for musicians to stream direct to their fans.

Musicians have a world of opportunity to use NFC and the WWW to monetize their product by streaming direct to their fans: if only they avail themselves of the means to do so. Music Distribution Format Wars: What’s Coming Next? Like many of us, my love for music began as a young boy when I […]

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