A Rennaissance Man


Male and female companions sitting together looking out to a hopeful future

2020-05-02 Registered Copyright. All Rights Reserved. 
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Clinton Gallagher.
Key: D Major Time: 4/4



Girl that fella you’ve been flirting with is taken
He can be an ass sometimes but he’s my ass and he’s taken
He’s not my private property but he belongs to me
I can see you’d like to have him but he’s taken


Mister that pretty girl you’ve been dancing with is taken
She can be a nag sometimes but she’s my nag and she’s taken
She’s not my private property but she belongs to me
I can see you’d like to have her but she’s taken


Once upon a time we were lonely just like you
Walking through this world hoping love would find us too




Girl that fella you’ve been dancing with is taken
He goes out with the boys and gets loaded but he’s still taken
He’s not my private property but he belongs to me
I can see you’d like to have him but he’s taken


Mister that pretty girl you’ve been buying drinks is taken
She spends all my money but she’s still taken.
She’s not my private property but she belongs to me.
I can see you’d like to have her but she’s taken


Once upon a time we were lonely just like you
Walking through this world hoping love would find us too


Destiny brought us together and we’re taken


We might fight like cats and dogs but we’re still taken


We hope and pray there comes a day that love will find you too
Love binds us together don’t be mistaken
Its more than a choice we make to stay taken

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