Connectivity Estimates

Near Field Communication (NFC)
There is —nothing— marketing has —ever— devised that exploits human behavior by satisfying the need for instant gratification. That would be because to-date what has been sold to customers has been static pictures and words; all one can do with static content is stare at it.
Catholic marketers must go to bed every night praying to Saint Bernardino asking that people remember and act upon static content.

Things have changed and a new word –interactive– has entered the lexicon. Practically every human being on the planet has become attached to cellphones and the functionality they have brought into our existence.
Using a cellphone to interactively (((tap)))® on some thing with embedded or surface mounted NFC Integrated Circuits makes something happen immediately by satisfying our hard-wired human need for instant gratification. The use cases are nearly inexaustable.
The Trump Tweets novelty product cost me $250 for 500 printed and encoded cards I sourced from a semiconductor manufacturing company in China.
Call or send me email and we’ll talk about the use of NFC and how it can put more jingle-jangle in your bank account.