WWW 2.0
The alphaPhonetics (Windows OS) app is derived from the globally standardized NATO phonetic spelling method used by astronauts, aircraft pilots, police, fire men and women and all people in all professions –worldwide– who use telephones, radios and other communication devices to phonetically spell words when they –absolutely must– be spelled correctly lest serious consequences may occur.
alphaPhonetics was developed using Electron JS and coded by writing HTML, CSS and Javascript.
The e-commerce website hosting the sale of the app is a WordPress WooCommerce store developed using Elementor Pro with custom HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP.
The alphaPhonetics desktop app can be purchased and downloaded for only $12.00 plus tax.
Viewport Units

No App. Just (((tap)))®
CGC Inc.
Geotechnical Consulting Engineers
Michael Schultz, P.E., CEO
I was referred to Bernard von NotHaus who asked me to transform NORFED (National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve) into an e-commerce membership website that functioned using a marketing technique I developed that was to come to be known as “Affiliate Marketing”.
My work succeeded so well that the organization began generating tens of millions of dollars as Bernard criss-crossed the nation tirelessly advocating The Liberty Dollar and our return to a lawfully Constitutional form of money as our U.S. Constitution mandates.
Success breeds the law of unintended consequences. Mr. von NotHaus and the organization were maliciously prosecuted by the FBI shortly after I and Bernard went our separate ways.
It took the Supreme Court of these United States to order the return of $20 million dollars of silver bullion to the rightful American citizens whose private property was stolen from them by the FBI.
Liberty Dollar
ITU-AT Absorbtech
ITU-AT Absorbtech
noneAuto Glass Specialists®
We’re The Guys In The Little Red Trucks
Autoglass Specialists
Performance Achievement Group
Website for a nation-wide auto glass industry training school established as a subsidiary of Auto Glass Specialists® (Wayback Machine archive of company’s Little Red Truck Intranet website I developed.)
The company had a mobile fleet of shiny black pickup trucks with gold lettering that served as the color theme for the website.
Like Auto Glass Specialists, the training organization and all assets were acquired by Safelite AutoGlass®.
Baby Grand Piano Bar
Live music entertainment nightclub in Wauwatosa had a full-kitchen menu. A real-time RSS web feed for the live entertainment schedule originating from the website’s event calendar was developed.
The website worked very well bringing patrons and entertainers alike who learned about the bookings and events on the website.
HDTV Digital Signage